On Wednesday the 21st April 2010, Bakwena hosted a successful Scholar Patrol Handover Ceremony at the community hall in Dinokana on the N4. Scholar patrol teams, their parents, headmasters, community members and representatives from the Department of Community/Road Safety, Zeerust Municipality and Lehurutshe Provincial Traffic attended the ceremony.
A warm welcome was received from the Chief, Mr Jubily Moiloa and a good response was received from all the parents who attended. The purpose of this event was first of all to congratulate all the schools for their continued participation in practising scholar patrol within their schools for the last five years and to encourage them to continue this important road safety initiative into the future. Bakwena took this opportunity to provide the community with valuable information on Bakwena’s Customer Care Centre number, 0800 BAKWENA to ensure that should the community be faced with emergencies along the N4, they can dial this number to receive assistance promptly. The blue km boards were also explained to the community to ensure they would be able to provide emergency services with the exact location of the incident.
This scholar patrol project has been operating for five successful years already therefore Bakwena invested in new reflective scholar patrol kits as well as refreshed training for the scholar patrol teams. The schools who participated were Reebone Secondary School, Bosugakobo Primary School, Renonofile Primary School, Monnaamere Primary School, Keobutsitse Primary School, Ikalafeng Primary School, Moreotsile Primary School, Dikhudu Primary School, Resomaretse Primary School and Dinokana Middle School.
Bakwena has various projects within the communities along the N1N4, for example the pedestrian, bicycle and animal visibility projects, the Bapong Community Water Project, and Leseding Food Garden to name a few. Bakwena cares about our road users and the communities along our route and continuously strives to provide and support road safety initiatives along the Bakwena N1N4 toll road.