Bakwena N1N4 in partnership with PinkDrive and the Department of Health launched a women’s month campaign to raise awareness about breast, testicular and prostate cancer within the communities which surround the Platinum Highway in the North West province. The programm includes extensive education on the various types of cancers, early lump detection and clinical examinations.
The campaign kicked off at the Dinokana Community Health Centre as well as Lehurutshe Clinic where 390 patients have been educated and examined. A further 1680 learners of the nearby high schools of Ntebogang, Ramotshere, N.R. Mandela and Moedwil were also afforded the opportunity to learn about the various types of cancers. Prior to the start of the campaign, 62 caregivers from the surrounding areas were trained on breast cancer education and examinations, to ensure that education is carried far and wide after the campaign period.
The second phase of the rollout will take place at Ikalegeng Clinic in Zeerust on 17 and 18 August, Groot Marico Clinic on 19 August and Swartruggens Community Health Centre on the 20 and 21 August.
The Toll Concessionaire’s corporate social investment focus areas include, but are not limited to, road safety, health, environment and heritage as well as social economic development.
“Part of Bakwena’s extensive social development programmes is the welfare of the communities along the routes we construct, operate, maintain and build on behalf of the country. As a socially responsible company, we understand the importance of engaging in partnerships which strengthen systems such as health and education,” says Charmaine van Wyk, public relations manager at Bakwena.
According to the South African Medical Research Council, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer in South Africa, accounting for 17% of all cancer deaths. This is followed by oesophagus cancer which accounts for 13%, cervix cancer accounting for 8%, breast cancer accounting for 8% and cancer of the liver which accounts for 6% of all cancers.
PinkDrive is a Public Benefit Organisation powering South Africa ́s first mobile mammography and educational unit, driving home the fact that `Early Detection Saves Lives’. To date, they have conducted 8 174 mammograms, 120 192 clinical breast examinations, and educated 168 586 women on breast cancer.
“We are proud to support and be part of this initiative as it has the ability to empower, educate and equip women, children and men with the necessary information to manage their health,” concludes van Wyk.