Please be advised that Bakwena will no longer be opening new e-tag accounts due to the launch of SANRAL Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project on 3rd December 2013.
Bakwena will assist customers to open accounts at SANRAL by issuing e-tags and providing a self-help terminal.
The SANRAL e-tags will be fully interoperable with Bakwena N1N4 toll plazas within 24 hours provided that the account is maintained and kept in good standing.
Existing customers will be able to replace damaged/faulty e-tags at our offices in Watermeyer and should consider migrating their e-tag account to SANRAL using their current e-tags. Assistance will be provided to open an account at SANRAL using the self-help terminal.
Thank you for your understanding.
Liam Clarke
Operations Manager
Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionaire