With the view of simplifying the process to obtain discounts for local communities around Swartruggens along the N4 national road, the Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionaire (Bakwena) is pleased to announce that it has opened an extra discount office in Swartruggens.
The new office is located at the Swartruggens Municipal Office in the Thusong Centre, and will function in the same way as the already existing discount office in Groot Marico at Jouba Koffiehuis in Paul Kruger Street. The Swartruggens office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am to 4pm, while the Groot Marico office is open from Wednesdays to Fridays from 9 am to 4pm.
Registered residents of the communities of Swartruggens and Groot Marico qualify for 75 percent discount and registered Zeerust residents qualify for 15 percent discount at the Swartruggens Toll Plaza.
Bakwena CEO Graeme Blewitt concludes that the new office is aligned to Bakwena’s strategy of ensuring that local communities benefit from the use of the discount scheme.
“Previously, residents in that area were only able to obtain discounts from our office in Groot Marico; by adding this new office in Swartruggens we are ensuring that the local communities have better access to and benefit more from the discounts that they are entitled to.
“Bakwena is determined to not only provide our road users with a world-class road that adds significant value to their lives, but also works with the community, and for the community.”