Another exciting project is to be started by Bakwena in partnership with the South African Red Cross Association. Not only is this partnership concerned about injuries and fatalities on the road but also in the day to day life of all the citizens. A Memorandum of Understanding was jointly signed on the 22nd of May 2012 to:-
- Provide accredited First Aid courses to learners, teachers and community members;
- Initiate, establish, train and maintain Community Disaster Response Teams;
The Red Cross has proven itself to be professional in providing first aid and associated training. Bakwena on the other hand has proven itself in managing big projects proficiently, therefore Bakwena will provide the financial, logistical and communication support to assist with the implementation of the above projects.
The partnership will continue to seek sponsorship. The partners are confident and believe that the project will be successful and other business entities at some or other time would want to join the project.IN the beginning the focus of the first aid training will be mainly on grade 11 learners in schools along the Bakwena N1N4 corridor in the vicinity of Bapong.
Bakwena, working together with the Red Cross and government (such as the Department of Health and the North West Department of Education) and non-government entities will contribute in providing a safer environment for everyone.